Tours and Field Trips

Pirates & Privateers Presentation
Friday Mornings, 10:00 a.m.
June through September
Tour begins at Fort Phoenix flag pole, 
Fort Street, Fairhaven, MA

Is there really pirate treasure buried on Sconticut Neck? Why might you become a privateer instead of joining the Navy? What’s the deal with the parrot on the shoulder?
Hear tales of pirates, Revolutionary War era privateers, and historical Fort Phoenix, presented by Greybeard, an 18th century gunner from the privateer sloop Broome, and Abigail Black, a ship’s doctor who grows herbal remedies in her village garden when she’s not at sea. Greybeard and Abby are often accompanied by other members of the “Companie,” including Mr. Church, the ship's cook, and Andrew the Powder Monkey.
Learn which things you think you know about pirates are really just myths based on fiction, the difference between pirates and “legal” privateers, and why grog wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The pirate lore in enhanced by true stories of privateering in and around Buzzards Bay during the American Revolution. This fun interactive presentation includes a demonstration firing of a black powder swivel cannon, a demonstration of early medical practices and more. It is appropriate for class field trips for grades 3 and up.

Tours for school classes, scout troops, bus tours, clubs and civic groups, and private groups may be arranged in advance through the Fairhaven Office of Tourism. Call 508-979-4085 or email